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On Sunday(march 05) Eva and i went to watch the film "RENT"..
it was so wonderful! a lot of amazing music and touching scenes...i love the music in this film so much,,

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今天最後一堂課玩迷你橋牌 剛開始大家都不懂 玩著玩著 賭性漸漸來了 很有趣的橋牌
later, with Rogelio and Fei went to Warner village for dinner: Burger king.

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早上狂下大雨 但是跟Rogelio約好要游泳去 還遲到一個小時到了板橋室內泳池
目的在於消耗昨晚狂吃火鍋的熱量... 游后 品嘗了板橋有名的油庫口蚵仔麵線和香腸 以及鴉片粉園 早上的辛勞地游泳 現在又補回來啦~

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今天經過十個小時連續疲勞轟炸 尤其是中午吃飯時間被FAPA佔據 不得休息
晚上超過二十人 一起去吃川府麻辣鍋 這是第一次下班後私下的大型聚會 之前都是少數幾個約吃個飯 難得這次大家能一起聚餐 還算開心~

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早上六點起床 準備搭捷運到新店 從國父紀念館站繞一大圈到新店 跟同學(Roger,wendy,oscar,俊志)約好八點在新店站 等教練開車載我們到深坑高爾夫球場練球
這一次是第三次到球場練球 還是一樣打得很爛 大多時間都在練揮杆 打沒幾下就會腰酸背痛 滿頭大汗 高爾夫球看很簡單 其實真的很困難 今天只有五個同學 所以教練可以比較充裕地指導我們 下午到肯德基又八卦了一番

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yesterday i just moved to my new place in which i will spend half of the year for the most of the time.
my new home is just located in front of the Taipei city Hall and Dr. Sun Yet San Memorial Hall.

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today is my first day of work.
but what i feel is that this is the most bureaucratic stuff

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today is my first day of my official work...
full of expectaions and kind of worry..

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finally i have passed the thesis defense this Thursday.
the thesis proposal was made in year 2003, before i went to Sweden.

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so many things happened in the late November..
the day, 22 of Dec is the turning point for me, cause it is the day that i passed the exam of MOFA..

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the film"2001: a space odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick is shockingly amazing~
it was shot at 1968! still so new as of now~

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today i just got the news that i've passed the first exam of MOFA!
!NO PAIN, NO GAIN~............... but feel stressful to face the second run of oral exam in the near future.. just let nature take its course, as i always think.. ahora pienso mucho feliz pero nervioso.. necesita mas esfuerzos!

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Monday, October 17, 2005
azure&clear sky in Taipei love myself

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

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Monday, May 30, 2005
Lund University, Lumes Alumni conference April 18-23 2005 Sweden

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Saturday, April 16, 2005
ready to go to Sweden

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ayer corte mi cabello para el barbero famoso. el poder de el barbero es
muy imponente!

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una chica se llama Terri muere(fallecio) hoy. elle estaba en estado vegetativo
durante 15 anos despues de el ataque al corazon que le causo dano cerebral.

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