finally i have passed the thesis defense this Thursday.
the thesis proposal was made in year 2003, before i went to Sweden.
now, in 2006, it was finally "Composed".still need to be "greatly revised"..

----in the end ,i have to say goodbye to Muzha!feeling bad and also good.
the bad is that i won't be able to have these lovely fresh air,mountains, trees, stream, aigrettes, and beautiful mist scenes..
the good is that i will go explore another place which i might find something new and fun...

----being a freshman in National Cheng-Chi university in 1999, graduated at 1999, (serving the army from 1999 to 2001,)
studying the master in 2001 and going to sweden in 2003-2004 and coming back to Cheng-da in 2005,
now it is the end of my academic life.~

--formally i won't be a student anymore. Monday i will go to work as everyone does.
---certainly i won't have much free time anymore. i have to put my passion into my new work from next week.
ciao, my student life~~

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