Saturday, April 16, 2005
ready to go to Sweden
today i just had lunch with Dr, Huang and his wife,Tin, Sanet,
then i packed up my luggages for going back to Sweden, this sunday night i will take Thai air to Lund University in Sweden. strange feelings about going back to sweden,..often i recall the first day arriving in Copenhagen airport in Denmark, pushing my luggages down to the train station, waitting for the train heading to Lund, Sweden. air is cool and fresh,,,,a wind wispers.......get on the train, across the Oresunds Strait, get off at the Lund station, get on the bus to AF building,,,....shining, new, exciting atmosphere........

very soon i will be in Lund again..
this time i will join the alumni conference and give a presentation there from 20-24 April. then i will go to stockholm from 24 -28 April...

wish a good trip to sweden..!
posted by lukas at 12:08 AM 0 comments

Saturday, April 09, 2005
Home, sweet home(in Taipei)
today i just worked as the receptionist in" the conference of Military Procurement, national defense and security talk among communites" in Howard tired but learned a lot about the diverse views about the national defense and taiwan's critical situation,,and i got income of2,000nt! not bad..
tonight i feel bored, so i watched a vcd, the title is" Home, sweet home(in Taipei)." it was a very old film, filmed around 1970s. i like these old taiwanese movies,because the figures and characters are so "real" and "pure" , and often full of thinkings// this film has given me several reflections.."Home, sweet home" this film illustrates three taiwanese students who just came back from the States(well, in the early time, it is a big event, every relative and friend often go to the airport to greet these elites from the States). they originally plan to just stop over in TAIPEI to see their homes and later will go back to the States. but in the end, they chose to live in Taipei. the third figure is a young man who got the Ph.D in the State, for him,returning home is to get divorced with his wife in taiwan because he has another American girl friend in the States. he have not returned to his home for ten years! when he stepped into his home, his son couldn't recognize him. when he saw her wife hard working in the laundary, he felt his wife is dirty and not as pretty as she was before. the first night at home, when his wife prepared a wonderful and special chinese kimchi for him( his wife support the whole family by selling the kimchi in the market for almost ten years), he felt disgusted. when he was goin to bed, he rejected to sleep in his home, instead he prefered to stay in the air-conditioned hotel. the Dr. has forgetten he is a Taiwanese. rather, he dislikes the place he used to be.
his wife sacrificed ten years to wait for him and supports the family. but the Young Dr. somehow has lost the interest in this place. his friends and neighbor try to call him back by the chinese morality: responsibility, justice and filial relations. finally, he decidec to stay in taipei when the flight is going to take hime back to States!

one reflection : how can i live a decent life now here, it is becouse of someone' sacrifice and payoff! never forget this! and relationship of family is worthy of being maintained and cherished!
posted by lukas at 10:51 AM 0 comments

Friday, April 08, 2005
hair cut
today i just had my hair cut in the salon where i have been to once before i went to sweden,,it costs me 300nt and the stylist is very famous, recemmended by my friend.

later have a tea with raymond and his singaporian friend and Todd..
posted by lukas at 11:17 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
tomb-cleaning vacation
yesterday went back to hometown for the tomb-cleaning tradition. stayed at home only less than 24 hours, now i am back to school,,,,
posted by lukas at 6:25 AM 0 comments

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