在烏茲大學波語中心上課已經一個星期過去了 終於可以稍些安頓下來寫寫日記~從九月十九日抵達華沙至今有很多的感想只是一直無法坐下來記下~現在宿舍網路有了(當天申請,馬上就好,效率驚人~),隨時可上網!旁邊有個韓國室友坐著,隔壁是越南鄰居隨時會進來,加上烏克蘭女孩天天造訪隔壁越南鄰居,所以很吵,但也蠻熱鬧的~

今天是再烏茲的第二個星期天,原本要去看看全世界最大的紡織博物館,結果一大早七點起床"做午餐"拿出魯包,墩了一鍋雞肉和雞蛋.因為這星期我一直狂吃越南室友的三餐(跟越南鄰居住一起的好處之一),而如今他銀兩掏盡,所以今天只好由我開伙了~當然他吃的好高興,我也吃了好幾碗飯(現在一餐都吃三四碗白飯因為有兩個電鍋!).好像每天都吃太飽過太爽~當然上每天的波蘭語課程是很痛苦的,我連一條最大的街名,我大概過了兩個星期才"逐漸"如何拼寫出來,更別說要去點菜或跟別人溝通了,講英文這裡幾乎不通,真的是靠body language!如今我能殘存下來,真是要感謝隔壁的越南鄰居,因為他在此居住四年,波語難不倒他!~在這裡最大的感受是走在路上,時常有異樣的眼光投注在我身上~(他們是沒看過亞洲人嗎?),正面的想法是我享有像明星般的對待.在這裡逛了許久還真的是看不到黃種人哩~走在街上,我便是唯一的黃皮膚,(但其實,這樣真的很累,因為要隨時觀察週遭環境,隨時擔心會不會被搶劫).....

2006九月二十日(20, Sep)
visiting our Taipei office is my today’s main agenda. Got up at 3am with some nightmare, probably due to this huge and empty mention I stayed now. Take a walk through the Rynek Starego Miasta, full of tourist open-air café, taking a look at the landmark “little mermaid”, earching for my first breakfast in Poland. Sitting down in a shop called ADI CAFÉ, sort of American style, serving coffee and waffle, also lovely lody (ice cream). Especially lody looks tremendously yummy , but I oder the latte and one waffle, costing 17.5 PLN (175nt)

after a full sleep, this morning I went to LEADER PRICE,a supermarket for shopping. Surprisingly, here everything is much more abundant than it in Sweden. I bought 28 items for my living. It just cost me 63.1 zloty(=631 NT). A package of coffee just cost 30 NT. A bag of 100 tea bags cost 42.9 nt. 1 KL milk cost 15.0 nt. A bottle of yogurt cost 13.9 nt. One ciabata bread is 3.5 nt. One kg of rice cost 18.9 nt…..so cheap…much cheaper the price in Warsaw.(the price in Warsaw is almost as costly as in Taipei). I am super impressed by the price in Lodz…hehe I think I quite satisfied with this cause I don’t have to worry about how much I spent here~

around five clock my roommate, Trung, a Vietnamese who studied in lodz for 4 years, speaking great Polish, accompanied me to swimming pool. The swimming pool of Lodz for students is whole new and modern one. I like it very much. It depth is from 1.8 m to 2.2 m (Trung said this depth makes no Polish people dare to swim here). The water is fresh and few people come. There are four things that surprise me most about the swimming pool. One is that before entering the pool, I have to take off the shoes first, then putting them into a bag and hand them to the staff of the pool. Then the staff will hang my shoes in behind the desk. Second thing is that the key of the locker is not wore on the hand but put inside a small box just by the side of swimming pool. I am wondering if something took my key and then he can steal my luggage in the locker…is it the way that Polish does? The third that I feel perplexed is that we can only swim for 45 minutes. One singe ticket for swimming costs 80 NT, well, not so cheap , allows one man to stay in pool for 45 minutes only. And no tickets can be bought on weekend. When time is up, the lifeguard would blow the whistle to warn us to get out of the pool. How and surprising and strict it is! The forth thing I feel surprised is that I wanna buy a 3 month ticket for. And they just allow me to come to swim twice a week or three times a week and I have to pick up a specific time, for example, 17:00 to 17:45 on Monday, 07:00 to 07:45 on Thursday or 15:00 to 15:45 on Friday. What an inflexible arrangement it is!

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