can't believe that our training in institute ended and now we are in the mofa.
since 1st june, we are dispatched to difirrent departments of mofa. some have gone to depeparment which they never think of.
however, as for me, with luck, i come to european department,east europe division, as i wish. the senior colleagues all show their friendly attitude toward me,
even until now, i feel that this is the good place which i have to stick to, cause the asmosphere here is nice and i am able to deal with my workload..
one month has passed, everyone is waiting for departure for thier language training..well, i still have to stay here until the end of september.
at that time, i will set off and go to Poland for polish language..
these days i feel tired and my eyes are killing me(due to the eye lazer surgery) despite the less workload i had..
after work by 1830-1900..i just wanna close my eyes and sleep~,,it is a vicious circle!

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