WTO: trade and enviroment conference in Taipei
after applying the visa to Sweden in the world trade center, i took a long walk to Howard hotel to attend the Wto: trade and environment conference by 1400. (because today's class of WTO Law was changed into attending the conference instead).since i have arrived too earlier. i tried to sit down in Dante cafe first, reviewing some articles concerning the topic we will discuss later.

today's conference is quite interesting or can be said "fasionable," and also complex. the first session was presented by Dr. Motaal, a female Egyptian expert and discussant is my teacher,Shih. the topic is about the relationship between the TREMs(trade-related environmental measures) in the MEAs(multilateral environmental Agreements) and the WTO rules.
my question is that since the CIT has been mandanted to clarify this relation between MEAs and WTO rules, why not WTO just sort out clearly which TREMs in the MEAs are compatible to the WTO rules or qualify for the general exceptions under GATT Article xx. well, this question was answered by Dr. Motaal: to change the WTO rules to accommodate the MEAs(supported by EU and Swiss) didn't gain much support, while "no accommodation of MEAs in WTO" is the view of the majority, even during the CTESS(Committee on Trade and Environment Special Session) most delegates have ignored this issue.
so,in my view, since the WTO is trade-oriented organization, it is certainly hard for WTO to clearly or "bravely" amend the rules of WTO into more consistent with environmental friendly manners as Dr. Motaal said the WTO has to address green protectionism,i.e. using the environment as excuses to exempt the WTO rules. even via amendment and interpretation of the WTO rules to change the rules, making the TREMs in the MEAs specific or just creating a list that contains the TREMs in the MEAs are immune from the WTO rules, it seems it is not possible cause it needs the majority votes.(Shih said) and by the ministerial declaration of clarifying these relations it is still not legally binding due to the nature of "declaration."

my second question is about " most disputes were brought to the WTO dispute settlement procedures(rather than the MEAs) due to its higher efficiency".
but some scholars have argued that WTO has no role in environmental standard setting and have no experts in environmental laws, the way to use WTO to intepret the dispute concerning trade and environment is no appropriate because the decision of DSU tend to favor the trade rules rather than the environmental aspects.

so tired...
posted by lukas at 11:01 PM 0 comments

peace parade in Taiwan
posted by lukas at 7:44 AM 0 comments

peace for Taiwan
posted by lukas at 7:41 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Onze Minutos
today it rained dogs and cats..like pouring water from the sky..
i got the packages from Beryl. many yummy local Hualien snacks, but they're too many...also she sent two novels titled "Onze Minutos"(the other copy is for Eva). then this afternoon i tried to finish reading this book. it is about a Brazilien girl,Maria, who searches for love and her dream by risking a journey to Swiss. She has a dream as every girl does: meet her Mr. right, get married, have two kids and live in a lovely house together. however, she turned out to be a prostitute due to her distrust of love and men who hurted him. she consciously or unconsciously went to Swiss for making a life,working as a Samba dancer and also a whore. many consumers have patronized her and she has got used to this form of life in night club. she came to a conclusion that is quite impressive for me: "many people treat sex as drug: in order to escape the reality, to forget the problem and to relax the mind. sex is as harmful and lethal as the drug."

she experienced the struggle between love and sex. but she still believes there is a love by keeping up her diary to reflect herself while selling her body. Onze Minutos(11 minutes) refers to the time she needs to open her legs for men. more, she ever indulged in the pleasure of SM and greed of making fortunes. luckily, what she has dreamed of happened. she bumped into a famous painter who has lost interest in sex and is willing to see her "special light" from her figure rather than the sexual term. finally it is a happy ending with her reunion with her Mr. right, the painter.

the most impressive part is that she has ever expored the SM but then go back to realize the real pleasure from sex is not from this distorted form but from the pain of the natural activities and spiritual love and touching. wow,,,an amazing book it is..

so, always believe in love. someday someone somehow will see your "special light"!
posted by lukas at 10:06 AM 0 comments

Sunday, March 27, 2005
Jump! Boys....
this moring i had my teeth "washed" in Cheng-Da dental clinic. in spite of two years of no paying a visit at dentist, my teeth, as large, are still ok, the dentist said. afternoon i went to attend the class of International politics in Tai-da.

in the everning, Eva and I went to watch the documentary film "Jump! Boys" it is really a lovely and encouraging movies...a coach with 7 little young boys try to make their dreams come true. being a gymnast is certainly hard for this kids, the process of training is full of harshness and pain, also the resulting fruit.. seeing the little boy crying ,droping their tears while taking their exercise, i can feel how persevering and patient they are. and they definately will make it in the future...
due to their toughness and perseverance, they succeeded!

how about myself? can i do as they do? stick to the goal without giving up in the half of the way?

有夢就去追 不要覺得累 因為有你 我不會疲憊
帶著翅膀飛 讓我往前追 勇氣就會一路相隨

有夢就去追 不要覺得累 路上有我與你相陪
帶著翅膀飛 讓我往前追 有夢就會更美(讓我們一起迎接陽光)
posted by lukas at 11:48 AM 0 comments

Saturday, March 26, 2005
326 Peace and Democracy Parade for Taiwan
today is a historical day for Taiwan,cause there are almost one million people going onto the streets in capital Taipei to protest china's anti-seccetion law. it is the most meaningful day for Taiwaneses to solidate their minds and identy to voice their dissent, to say No to China! hundreds of thousands of people have succeeded in their determination to defend their home-Taiwan, no matter how China use its sabre-rattling actions towards Taiwan.

Eva and i joined this event. before the parade(desfile) began, we went to watch a film called "Les Choristes(放牛班的春天)". it is a film of description of a french teacher who pays a lot patience and love to his boys in the orphanage, full of love and sadness..and touching(conmovedora)

after the film, massive people were already on the street with clolorful banners and signs written "Protect Tawan, Anti-Annexation." we set off from taiwan university,following the parade..but later, we just went to ShiDa for having snacks and ice,,,well, this parade for us jis just a normal event or a carnival, just for seeing the people parade in a relaxing way ...walk and stop, and take a break and have some bites..in the end we arrived in the area between CKS memerial hall and presidential hall. massive people crowded here, and we decided to sit down in the foor of CKS square because of less people there..and watched the news brocasting fro the Tv wall........the president even sang the song to hearten the crowds,,and the atmospehre skyrocketed to the highest point.....
posted by lukas at 11:54 PM 0 comments

Friday, March 25, 2005
whale rider
yesterday after one class of WTO law, i went off to Tai-da hospital in Kouggound to see my report of my bood test of hepatitis. the result was fine for my current health. but three months later i will have to check it again.then i headed to the taiwanese restaurant waitting for my friends. one of my classmate, In-chin, treated us a meal of taiwanese food(清粥小菜)because of her getting the job in MOFA. during this reunion, old classmates gathered together again.esp, Ya-pin shared her news of getting married soon with zeal.

today i have no special plans.after having lunch with corridormates, i went to watch the film"Whale Rider" in the language building, shown by Kan(Paul),a friendly Canadian teacher. the film illustrates how a little girl in Maori tribe tries her best to break the long tradition that only male can rule the tribe. quite nice film. the most impressive scene of the film that blows me away is that this little girl really rides the whale, surfing the wave! after that, i went back to dorm, chatted with my roommate about the labours, taiwan society, politics....etc. a very normal day today..
posted by lukas at 4:36 AM 0 comments

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